the world of SEO, one can never discount the incredible importance of
great content. It’s so essential that without it, every related
online marketing initiative would fail miserably. Now, what really
defines good content?
– The term “one size fits all” doesn’t apply to truly
great web content. What diversity means is that while content is
consistently made up of text, data, images, or music, it can be
posted in different locations and in different forms—as a blog
post, a tweet, a YouTube video or an Instagram picture.
– On the web, people share to their friends whatever they find
on several occasions. Why do they share it? They simply find it
interesting—and interesting content is highly shareable. Such
characteristic is reminiscent of the traditional word-of-mouth
marketing, though done online.
– Sneaky businesses that are up to no good have created “hook”
pages, or pages with fake content in an attempt to lure unsuspecting
visitors; the latter then getting “ambushed” with a sales pitch.
People are smart, and when they see such tricks, they’ll look
somewhere else. There goes the potential profit.
– Who would want to read ridiculously outdated content in the
first place? For instance, it’s much easier to sell a furnace in
the middle of winter than it is during summer. Such a situation is an
absolute no-brainer.
Your comment / Characteristics of Effective Content